Owen's Fish Camp, Sarasota
Nestled under a banyan tree in the Burn’s Court district of downtown Sarasota, Owen’s Fish Camp is the sixth restaurant created by the Caragiulo brothers. All of their seafood (including crab, lobster, mussels, clams, scallops, shrimp, and fish) come from responsible sources and are guaranteed to be fresh. Non-seafood dishes are also sourced from local farmers and will delight your palate. Your meal here is one you will not soon forget.
The food is simple and the menu uncomplicated. At Owen’s Fish Camp, the Caragiulo brothers let the ingredients shine without a lot of fuss to distract your taste buds. The urban atmosphere is inviting and the southern country style welcomes you to enjoy a great meal among family. Attention to detail and a staff that anticipates your needs guarantee that your visit will be memorable. Come enjoy Sarasota seafood the way only the Caragiulos can offer it, at Owen’s Fish Camp.
Is Owens Fish Camp closed for business or just renovating? I drove by last week-end on Sunday, 8/9/15. Thanks for your input.
We were closed for renovations. We will open the first week of September.